Open Days 2024
Reports and photos of the Open Days held this summer by members can be found on the Newsletter page.
Welcome to the website for the G Scale Society North West Area Group. The group covers all of the North West including Cheshire, Lancashire, North Staffordshire, North Wales and Cumbria.
The group meets regularly, with an opportunity to run trains, meet with like minded individuals, and browse any items for sale by members and traders. For our younger members there is normally the chance to play with playmobil (both trains and related models). You are most welcome to attend any of our meetings for which there is a small admission fee to cover costs but no membership fee for the group. We run 10 indoor meetings a year plus garden visits during the summer. Dates and times for meetings can be found on the Calendar page.
Details of the group’s committee can be found here
The G Scale Society is divided into 26 area groups with around 1300 members, of which 120 are in the North West, and caters for all modellers working in G Scale. More information on the Society can be found here. To join the Society click here.